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  • Writer's pictureCoventry Culture Show

Quinn: A Journey - will be show at The Herbert Art Gallery

A poignant exhibition exploring grief, loneliness and the human search for meaning goes on display at a Coventry gallery next month, referencing post-WW2 Britain and society today. 

Quinn: A Journey will be on show at the Herbert Art Gallery & Museum and follows William Henry Quinn’s fictional journey across post-war Britain.

The exhibition, which will run from Friday February 14th until Sunday May 31st reflects the experiences of young men and women post-trauma in the early twentieth century through to the present day, and addresses the human search for meaning in a complex and changing 21st century world.

Visitors will be immersed into Quinn’s journey through photographs, written narrative, moving image pieces and objects - creating a multi-dimensional experience.

The artist behind the exhibition, award-winning photographer Lottie Davies presents her first focuses on personal histories entirely fictional body of work in ‘Quinn’.

Her work is concerned with stories and personal histories, employing a deliberate reworking of our visual vocabulary, playing on our notions of nostalgia and visual conventions with the intention of evoking a sense of recognition.

Her work has having been described by the former National Portrait Gallery Director Sandy Nairne as ‘brilliantly imaginative’.

The exhibition has been curated by Dr Rachel Marsden, who previously curated WONDER at the museum during summer 2019, with producers Elizabeth Wewiora and Charlie Booth.

Francis Ranford, Cultural and Creative Director of Culture Coventry said: “For 2020, we wanted to start the year with a powerful story of reflection which audiences can relate to.

“We are sure that Quinn’s odyssey will have a poignant impact on visitors, and we are looking forward to welcoming all ages to experience the fragmented post-war lives of the twentieth century to see how this resonates today.”

Dr Rachel Marsden added: “This work highlights the themes of grief, loss, loneliness and meaning, which we can all relate to on some level, so we hope to see lots of visitors coming to experience Quinn’s journey.”


The exhibition will be complimented with a Performance & In Conversation event at Coventry Cathedral, from 2pm on Sunday, May 17.

For more information on Quinn: A Journey, visit

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