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  • Writer's pictureCoventry Culture Show

Fluid - MA Painting Works by Lisa Archer and Michala Gyetvai

A new art exhibition has opened at Class Room, Lower Holyhead Road in Coventry.

The works have been completed by Coventry University Faculty of Arts students Lisa Archer and Michala Gyetvai.


My landscape is a personal interpretation, an autobiographical account of an internal, emotional, poetic, landscape, referencing my own femininity and ideology. 

I am part of a generation know as “the Innocents” those that know the world before a digital age. 

I am interested in the crossover between these worlds, my work investigates materials, nature, the handmade, the human hand and it’s relevance in shaping our existence in a digital era.

Being in this situation puts us in a privileged position.”If we’re the last people in history to know life before the internet, we are also the only ones who will ever speak, as it were, both languages. We are the only fluent translators of Before and After.”

Fluid is on display at Class Room, Lower Holyhead Road, Coventry until 12th January 2020 for more details

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